News coverage featuring our members.
David Frias Speaks About Minimum Wage Increase
SFLWC Co-Director, David Frias, talks about progress being made not only in San Francisco, but nationally. Listen at 20 minute mark:
Protest for Janitor Rights at KGO Radio
An interview with San Francisco Living Wage Coalition’s Co-Director, Karl Kramer, on the picket for janitor rights in front of KGO radio’s office. Listen at 56 minute mark:
Living Poor in San Francisco
“I was born and raised in San Francisco but had to move to Oakland to provide for my young twins,” 24-year old working single mother Jaquayla Burton told me. “I wanted to stay near my family in the city I love and I could have if wages were higher, if job opportunities were available and
Scenes From the Struggle for Economic Justice
Karl Kramer talks about the current issues of the Community Jobs Program and reformations needed to improve the program. Read more:
SF’s Minimum Wage Rises to Highest in the Country
Thousands of San Francisco’s low-wage workers will see more added to their paycheck in the New Year. The annual increase in the minimum wage kicks in on January 1, once again making the city’s minimum wage the highest in the country at $10.55 an hour. Even with the 3% increase in hourly rates, several workers
San Francisco Minimum Wage to Top $10
David Frias and Karl Kramer on the minimum wage increase to $10.24. David Frias works two minimum-wage jobs to squeak by in one of the most expensive cities in America. Come New Year’s Day, he’ll have a few more coins in his pocket as San Francisco makes history by becoming the first city in the