Fix a Broken Immigration System
A broken immigration system is pushing undocumented workers into the shadows, leaving workers vulnerable to violations of their workplace rights, forcing them to accept lower pay, and creating guest worker programs in which the employers can have workers deported for speaking out for better conditions. Immigration reform is needed.

a. Immigration reform
The Dignity Campaign creates a vision of progressive immigration reform. We are part of a national network of immigrant rights organizations that are building a grassroots movement that is demanding immigration reform that provides full legalization, family reunification, an end to employer sanctions and other workplace enforcement, an end to the militarization of the border, and an end to guest worker programs. (Read more)
b. Agribusiness uses guest worker program to drive down wages for farmworkers
Agribusinesses are currently abusing guest workers with H-2A visas who work on farms. These guest workers have no protection rights and are vulnerable to discrimination and deportation. (Read More)
c. Stopping the Cancellation of Temporary Protected Status
Temporary Protected Status (TPS) is a program enacted by the U.S. Congress in the 1990s to enable immigrants from countries that are experiencing armed conflict or a natural disaster the right to work and live in the United States. In 2018, the Trump administration moved to cancel TPS for more than 400,000 migrants in the United States. The San Francisco Living Wage Coalition, along with many other organizations, formed the NorCal TPS Coalition to help protect TPS holders. (Read more)
Action Steps
- Share video of David Bacon on the links between U.S. Trade and Immigration Policies
- Share this information on how to Be Prepared for ICE
- Take the pledge to stand in solidarity with undocumented workers and resist raids and deportations