Protections for Workers
(regardless of immigration status or legal authorization to work)
– It is against the law for an employer to retaliate, threaten or discriminate against a worker for asserting their rights under these laws or informing other workers of their rights. If an employer takes adverse action against an employee, it is considered a rebuttable presumption that the action was in retaliation.
– If an employer is found to be in violation of the law, penalties include:
a court order for reinstatement of any fired worker; paying with interest and penalties any back wages, sick leave or health care expenditures; paying a fine for each day in violation; terminating a contract or lease; being barred from entering into contracts or leases with the City for three years; revoking or suspending registration certificates, permits or licenses
– A worker has the right to report a violation to the Office of Labor Standards Enforcement which keeps the worker’s identity confidential.
Office of Labor Standards Enforcement
City Hall room 430
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, 94102
ph. 415.554.6235
554-6292 – Spanish, Cantonese, Mandarin
Also, we are available to assist you in filing a complaint or asserting your rights. Please contact us at:
San Francisco Living Wage Coalition
2940 16th St. #301
San Francisco, CA 94103
ph.: 415-863-1225