Las Hormigas
Comunidad en Desarrollo A.C.
“The Ants”
A Community in Development
A non-profit community organization located in Anapra, a migrants quarter in Ciudad Juarez.
Our services are focused on Anapra, an impoverished neighborhood in the northwest margin of Juarez, on the immediate border with El Paso, Texas. We work to transform a violent social reality through psychotherapeutic-educational development projects.
“Smiles in the Desert”
In a psychotherapeutic-educational project using the Montessori Method, we work with girls and boys who, for different reasons, have learning difficulties, find it hard to accept limits, follow rules and handle their aggressiveness, to transform learned patterns to teach them to healthily use their aggressiveness and energy. This project includes psychotherapeutic work with the adults with whom the child lives, to teach them how to change their children’s behavior.
Psychotherapy and human growth workshops
A person, couple, family, or group learns to see and acknowledge the hindrances and suffering in their lives and to decide to establish healthier, freeing relationships with themselves and with the community.
Reflection workshops on women’s rights
Groups of women learn to assert their right to live free from violence and awaken their awareness to stop being victims.
Visit their visit at
Download the Las Hormigas A.C. 2014 LIVING WAGE Presentation