Closing the Wage Gap

Read more about efforts to reverse income inequality.

Mountain View OKs $10.30 Minimum Wage

Mountain View’s City Council approves minimum wage increase to $10.30 starting July 1, 2015, and made it a goal to hit $15 an hour by 2018. Read more:

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Why Does Minimum Wage Have a New Supporter?

The National Retail Federation’s new chairman, Container Store CEO Kip Tindell wants the association to rethink its opposition to wage-increase legislation. Read more:

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South Dakota Workers Struggle to Make Ends Meet on $7.25 Minimum Wage

South Dakota pushes forward with Minimum Wage Ballot measure for 2014. The minimum wage workforce contains people in all demographics who struggle, thus the increase will help with their survival. Read more:

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Up Front

Shawndra Roberts (her talk starts at 22:15), a local worker who has joined a union talks about her experience and why she’s striking. She’s hoping to come off of Food Stamps… Listen:

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S.F., Oakland at Forefront of U.S. Minimum Wage Movement

In 2003, during the aftermath of the dot-com crash, San Francisco led the country as the first city in the nation to adopt a higher minimum wage than required by the federal government… Read more:

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