Closing the Wage Gap

Read more about efforts to reverse income inequality.

KPFA Reviews the Latest From the Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics

The Bureau of Labor Statistics review with Dr. Heidi Shierholz of the Economic Policy Institute: We have regained the total number of jobs lost since the beginning of the recession, but have not kept up with the nearly seven million jobs we ought to have added during the recession. Disproportionately large growth in low wage

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Women’s Magazine: Labor Day Focus on Immigrant Women

A complete story of of the Government’s case against Rasmea Odeh, Grass roots organizer for basic skills within the American Arabic community, in Philadelphia and a wide range of discussion on where Domestic Worker’s rights are in the United States today, the difficulties along the road to getting here & going forward. Listen:

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Fair Wages: A History of Getting Paid

A good time line from the concept of citizen’s right to negotiate any wage to the foundation for needing fair wages mandated by the law. Wonderful segue into “Convict Miners”, where we find out how, then and now, we’re still using wage slaves via the prison sector. Listen:

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Don’t Settle For Less: $15 Now!

Momentum is still growing for a $15 minimum wage. On August 4 150 cities rallied for $15 and union rights, with striking fast food workers engaging in civil disobedience. Meanwhile, San Francisco voters are expected to pass a $15 referendum in November. Read more:

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